Below is a list of Youtube videos which cover the basics of glass engraving as well as some more advanced work. Everyone will have their own approach to learning this skill and there is no 'right' way but hopefully these will give you a start!

As most of the videos have a subscribe option, if you are likely to use these sites often, then it would be a courtesy to subscribe.

*NEW* - A video from Katharine Coleman showing how she engraves glass using a lathe:

"How Was It Made?"

3 videos from Guild President and Fellow of the Guild, Tracey Sheppard:

Bramble leaves for Mrs H's front door pane

A challenging glass engraving project - The coat of arms of the worshipful company of engineers

A wren for Mrs H's Front Door

Eternal Tools - 5 Essential Beginners Glass Engraving Tools:

A list of tools to get you started

How to engrave glass with a Dremel - Beginners tutorial:

This video will help you regardless of the make of drill you use. The GGE recommends Proxxon drills.

Lesley Pyke Glass

Lesley Pyke has a YouTube channel which is updated regularly with videos from her teaching channel

Lesley Pyke Glass Engraver - YouTube